Welcome to my blog @thewater…

I’m originally from Ireland and grew up right beside the sea. I now live in landlocked Switzerland so this might help explain why my site is called ‘The Water’. I chose the domain name after I was at the University in Lausanne and had visited Corbusier’s Villa ‘Le Lac’, the house which he built for his parents on the shore of Lake Geneva in a village called Corseaux, near Vevey.

It’s said that Corbusier’s buildings are living machines. I would add that they are also seeing machines. I kept going back to visit and was completely taken by the play of light, the reflection of sun and moon-light on the ceilings and floors of the building. When I came home I claimed the domain ‘The Water’ for my own…

(Photo A.Butz)

Water is a precious commodity and was the subject of one of my earliest pieces of writing which I hope to get around to posting sometime.

This site is based on things that are dear to me… I will sporadically post articles on, or links to whatever I find interesting at that particular moment in time – so don’t be surprised to find subject matter that has absolutely nothing to do with water, except in that it strikes a chord within and thus leads me back to my own inner ‘source’.

Enjoy and do leave a comment or link – great to meet you here.



‘Everything one invents is true, you may be perfectly sure of that.
Poetry is as precise as geometry.

Gustave Flaubert

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Above photo: Courtesy of Andreas Butz

All other photos, unless otherwise mentioned, taken by me

The photo below was taken at my sister’s wedding in Scotland when I was ten…

@Rose and Richard's wedding in Scotland

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instagram / The Lazy Gardener

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  • I’m so glad to have stumbled across your blog, Frances. I had no idea it was there. I’ve been a fan of your husband’s gardening page in the Natürlich for many years, and have long been curious about the mention of his irish wife! I too am a Frances, though not Irish. We have recently moved to a new home here in Zizers (Rheintal near Chur), and I now have the priviledge of being able to reinvent the garden here. So now it’s high time I buy The Lazy Gardener – which is what I was looking up when I found your blog.
    I look forward to reading more and hopefully meeting you one day. I have also long wanted to visit your gardens in Appenzell, it’s just never worked out til now.
    Enjoy the spring, best regards

  • Hi Francis,
    what a luck meeting you in the café Koller last Friday morning. Thanks for your contact data and link to your blog. I like your poems very much. By the way , weren’t you wearing your rabbit’s paw around your neck last Friday? There was something nice and fluffy aroun your neck.🤗 Best regards, Jitka Keel

  • PS: Sorry Frances for the incorrect spelling of your name 🥰

  • Hello Jitka,
    I’m afraid I wasn’t wearing my rabbit’s paw when we met last week – that was just a little something else, but just as precious to me – as it was given to me by my youngest daughter when she was only nine (and already had such good taste…).
    thanks for leaving a comment here and happy that you enjoy my little poems – will add another one here soon.

  • Hello Frances, wir fahren demnächst (Mai) nach Irland. Vielleicht sehen wir uns vorher noch in Mayer’s Kulturbad in Romanshorn. Ab 9. März Kunstausstellung “Seele, Mensch und See” mit Gemälden von Maria-Antonia Mardaleichvili.

  • Wir kommen bestimmt die BIlder an der Kunstausstellung anschauen und freuen uns, bis dahin – alles Gute und Irland in Mai ist einfach ‘magical’ – die Ginster blüht und es regnet weniger dann als sonst… es wird schön! Ich freue mich für Euch!

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