Favourite things...

Hot Stuff

Things I love… No. 84

I am a great lover of hot stuff…
After a wonderful meal last Wednesday in Zürich we ended up in Beat Heuberger’s shop for a dessert wine and a fabulous panetone…

Beat's_wine_2013 27 Nov_5930

An Aladdin’s cave of goodies…

Beat's_2013 28 Nov_5624

Beat's_2013 28 Nov_5619

 * * *


  • Hell dear Frances!
    I am coming overt Paracelsus for two weeks…July 27 to August 8 and hope very much you will be in Teufen and have some time for us to pick up where we left off four (!) years ago. I am well, but looking forward to a tune up!
    So looking forward to spending time with you,

  • Dear Joanie,
    So nice to hear from you and look forward to seeing you later in the summer – we have indeed some catching up to do…
    Love Frances

  • Hello Frances,
    Are you planning a visit to Ireland soon…?

  • Hello again Frances,

    I should have explained: I was hoping you might give a talk at our gardening club this autumn?…


  • Hello Una – whereabouts is the gardening club?
    sounds very enticing but we are planning a trip to Italy this autumn – sitll you never know
    ps my email is frances@thewater.ch just in case you have a direct enquiry…
    thanks for the comments,
    Love frances

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