Wabi – Sabi
This bowl was made by a wonderful lady in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland and is one of the most beautiful items I’ve ever purchased. It was an engagement gift for a very dear friend.
The pot is made of clay, fired in the ancient Raku technique. I love the way it is not completely symmetrical and it reminded me immediately of the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi. When I saw the works of this great artist they were artfully draped with jewellery by a Russian designer – However beautiful the jewellery, I saw only the pots… and still do!
Wabi-Sabi is extremely difficult to explain, involving aspects such as simplicity, beauty in imperfection, truth, the idea of impermanence. Yes, it’s quite hard to define. The aesthetic of Wabi-Sabi has long been associated with elements of the Japanese Tea Ceremony and the bowls used there often have a deliberate natural and imperfect touch.
I always want to cup this bowl in both my hands when I see it – and I’ve noticed others do the same. Not only does it look good, it also feels right. The words Wabi-Sabi, four syllables which I instinctively associate with this extraordinary bowl. Of course, it stands on its own without any of my words and speaks for itself…
– as a thing of beauty…
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness…
John Keats
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