Favourite things...

Things I love… No.17



When visiting Zürich one can never underestimate the importance of ‘tasting’ a little luxury…

hot chocolateSo, if after lunch, mid-afternoon you find yourself wandering down the Schlüsselgasse in the Lindenhof quarter, call in to see Mrs. Capei in her wonderful little shop called simply ‘Truffe’.  Not only does this chocolate boutique please the eye but it also boasts a wide variety of carefully selected, mostly hand-made chocolates.

 Descriptive names, usually associated with fine wines are dropped and Signora Capei is a mine of information, not only about chocolate but also about the culture surrounding  ‘la tavola’. 

Truffe 2

Her little oasis is also a meeting point in town – at a long Italian-style table to the rear of the shop she offfers a finely flavoured and highly seductive  hot chocolate , just the right thing to chase away the winter blues…

As I read on one of the beautifully designed nostalgic boxes;

La Dolcezza...  ” La dolcezza non è mai troppa”


How well put! One can never have enough gentleness.  Admittedly, it does not always need to come in the form of  chocolate but if it does, then one from Signora Capei’s ‘Truffe’ selection. Or a hot chocolate at her inviting tavola

 Truffe 1


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  • A wonderful post with beautiful images too. As a chocoholic I delighted in reading this and your descriptions melted in my mouth. Fantastic!

  • Gerald quigley
    Is CADbury As good

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