an eagle’s feather
a spotted feather also
share my writing space
* * *
artichoke purple
tiny tentacles pointing
to an Autumn sun
* * *
kind grey light today
I’m alone in the garden
watching things changing
a silent garden
soft water, the only sound
nature shows the way
(On visiting James Joyce’s grave)
coffee-cup landscape
white heather tied up with string
laid upon a stone
I treasure this pen
like Phoenix in the ashes
coming back to life
the sun tries its best
to push through an opaque sky
blue islands appear
* * *
haiku on your back
pressing my fingers to count
touching syllables…
a porcelain sky
the mountain has disappeared
teaching us to trust
* * *
Frances, I love your japanese poetic form and I take the opportunity to improve my English…
Love, Felix
Oh thanks Felix – the happy one:-)
I really enjoy reading about all of your Asian adventures, my little site seems so very tame, im Vergleich…
I love it! Thank you for sharing this beautiful poetry. 🙂
I have had no such problems – lucky me…
and as I always deal with things as they come along, I also have no solutions concerning the compatibility issue… but good luck and hope you can solve it soon.
Hello Tylor,
Yes, you are right and others have indeed remarked on the fact that I don’t have an RSS-feed. I suppose I believe that if people like what I do they will come back of their own accord.
Do keep on checking in,
Thanks for the compliment – I did it myself…
Good luck with your blog!
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